Service to Youth Award Nomination Form 1Nominator Contact Info2Nominee Contact Info3Share the Nominee's Qualifications Your Name* First Last Your Email* Nominee's Name* First Last Nominee's Snowsports School* Please summarize the nominee's membership history:*Please detail their exceptional dedication to excellence in teaching snowsports or race coaching for children and youth:*Please detail their high level of teaching/coaching aptitude and expertise. This includes teaching/coaching history, certification/qualifications, student/racer achievement, etc:*Please detail how they have contributed to the enhancement of children’s snowsports education. These might include taskforce or committee participation, contributions to manuals, leadership roles, etc.:*Please detail their outreach activities that have provided opportunities for youth to experience, and become, lifetime participants in snowsports. These might include school presentations, outreach to underserved communities, fundraising, etc..*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.